
This is a visual development project I dreamt up out of a fascination with all things sci-fi and because I have a plethora of awesome friends.


Visual Development Checklist


    1. Finalize the story beats
    2. Black and white thumbnails for each beat
    3. Choose 5 b&w thumbnails from each beat;do developed grayscale sketches for each
    4. Choose best compositions for each beat from the grayscales
    5. Color comps/studies
    6. Paint 1 final image for each beat

    Environment and Location Design
    1. Black and white thumbnails for all settings and locations
    2. Choose 5 b&w thumbnails from each location;do developed grayscale sketches for each
    3. Choose best compositions from each set of grayscales
    4. Paint 1 final image for each
    5. Do a scale map for each significant building

    Character Development
    1. Finalize characters
    2. Character silhouette size relationship sheet
    3. Develop the color palette for each character
    4. Character figure and facial studies
    5. costume and clothing studies
    6. sketches for for character/cast painting
    7. final drawing for character/cast painting
    8. color studies for character/cast painting
    9. Final character/cast painting

    Creature Development
    1. Finalize creatures
    2. Silhouette thumbnails for each creatures
    3. Character silhouette size relationship sheet
    4. Creature studies
    5. Develop the color palette for each creature
    6. Final character/cast colored sketch

    Vehicle and Prop Development
    1. Finalize Vehicle and Props
    2. Silhouette thumbnails for each Vehicle and Prop
    3. Vehicle silhouette size relationship sheet
    4. Final character/cast colored sketch

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