
This is a visual development project I dreamt up out of a fascination with all things sci-fi and because I have a plethora of awesome friends.


More Photo Reference

I had another impromptu photo session last night when I got back from my business trip.  The lighting was horrible, but the extreme contrast between the shadows and the light gave me an idea for a Silkwood & Co. poster!  I got really excited - because I'm a geek and art is what I look forward to at the end of the day right now.  Sad, I know.

But anyway, here's a little "tease" for ya!  The final will (probably) not be this pose.  But the general idea is the same.

See what I meant about bad lighting?  I was lucky Elle (another of my sisters, you'll be introduced to her later, too) was there to mess with the settings on my SLR.

I really need to take a photography class.

Anyway, as far as "real" art goes, you'll be getting some this weekend (I know, I know, I've promised that before).  I plan to upload at least 2 character sheets as well as a post to start the airship crew introductions.

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